Eco-Poxi is a cost effective, 2 – component, 100% solids amber/clear epoxy body and base-coat material. Eco-Poxi is a VOC compliant material that meets all of the USDA/FDA guidelines for use in federally inspected facilities.
Eco-Poxi is ideal when the durability of a 100% solids epoxy is required, but UV and chemical resistance are not necessary. Its low viscosity makes Eco-Poxi an excellent “seed” coat for broadcast systems, an excellent grout coating over troweled mortar systems and an excellent binder resin when combined with fine aggregatesto create self – leveling slurry patching mixes. Eco-Poxi is not recommended as a finish coat as it has low color stability and low chemical resistance.
Product Data Sheet [English] – Click Here
Safety Data Sheet – Click Here